The American Hilljack Files

Hosted ByJohn Lane

The American Hilljack Pro Series Radio is an Internet Radio Station focused on the best Unsigned Music from around the Globe mixed in with your favorite Nationals.

The American Hilljack Files Episode 4 (Drive By, The Hellfire Club Policy, Gorillas and other Bullsh*t)

Intro and Greetings: “Positive Facts & Flack from the Hilljack”
Music Break 1: Drive By – Creature of Habit
Seg 1: “A Creature of Habit Ain’t Always A Bad Thing”
John talks about one of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania’s most talented bands from back in the 90’s, Creature of Habit. He also discusses all the members, Bill Staley (Guitar), Greg Bittner (Bass), Mike McGivern (Drums)as well as Greg Holtz (Vocals) and about his relationship with those guys still today.
Seg 2: “The Hellfire Club Policy and Paying Dues”
I know all you Creepers, Haters and Negative Scene Schemers out there in the Akron/Canton/Cleveland Music Scene are waiting on the Dirt on The Hellfire Club’s recent announcement of two of their members leaving the band. Wait no longer. You can get it straight from the Jackasses Mouth as John “American Hilljack” Lane lays out the Dirt, pisses on it and slings the Mud to ya on what went down with The Hellfire Club and the big split. The Good, the bad, the ugly and the pain right here on The American Hilljack Files. He Shoots from the hip as he runs off at the lip and holds back Absolutely Nothing. Are you ready? Get the volume turned up and your ears open for this one.
Music Break 2: Demon in Me – The Hellfire Club
Bare Knuckles – East End
Capital Punishment – Three Vultures
Seg 3: “Careless Parenting or Unsafe Zoo? You Decide”
John digs in and discusses the most recent tragedy at the Cincinnati Zoo where a child fell into the Gorilla sanctuary and it ended the Zoo officials shooting and Killing the Gorilla. John looks at the question of Who’s to blame and what we should do now.
Seg 4: “Hybrid to After the Fall. A True Story of Hard Work and Inspiration”
Friday June 3rd see’s V.E. Promotions bringing Losing September to Tim Owens’ Travelers’ Tavern in Akron, Oh. John talks about one of Pittsburgh and the AK Valley Pennsylvania’s most well-known acts, After the Fall, who will be warming up the night along with Calven.
Music Break 3: Walls – After the Fall
Scream – After the Fall

Seg 5: “Run At Least 3, Vegas On A ‪#‎C‬ And Other Show Tricks”

John discusses a Private Message he received on Facebook from someone he never met, and won’t name, that said “We know the Fundamentals of Putting on a Show. Why don’t you finally pack it in you old wanna be bastard.” Always being helpful John lays out what his opinion is on the Fundamentals of having and performing a proper set for a show just to make sure this person does know. He even gives reasons why bands who don’t know the Fundamentals shouldn’t allowed on a stage AT ALL!
Music Break 4: Psychoanalyze – L.A. Knights
King is Crowned – Screaming For Silence
Seg 6: “Napster Killed The Music Industry Revenue And Lars Ulrich’s Street Cred”
John takes an in-depth look at how Napster destroyed the Music Industry as he uses VH1’s Napster documentary ‘Downloaded’ for his references along with several industry big wigs views.
Music Break 5: Hellhound – Olathia
Unnecessary Bullshit – Skell
Seg 7: “No Child Left Behind Has Failed, Now What”
John opens up about how a discussion with The Original Some Chic From Akron, his better half and the real boss at The Hilljack Ranch, Theresa Dewitt Irons, led to him getting pissed about the “No Child Left Behind Act” being a failure and the bleak future for today’s children and the children of the future. John really takes an in-depth look at how the Bush Administration’s creation led to wasted money and wasted time and how it lead to the Obama Administration’s “Every Student Succeeds Act” that is doing much of the same
Closin’ and Good Vibes: “Wrappin’ , Yappin’ and Reviewing The Crappin’ as the Hilljack Signs Off”
Final Music Break: Bullshit – American Dog

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