The American Hilljack Files Episode 3 (No Limits, A Warm Welcome to Kittanning and other BullSh*T)
Intro and Greetings: “Positive Facts & Flack from the Hilljack”
Music Break 1:
No Limit – Metal Cover by Leo Moracchioli
Seg 1: “Jumpin’ Into things about Leo &”
Seg 2: “Un-tag Yourself and Move on Mothertrucker”
John discusses being reported on Bookface for sharing The American Hilljack File Episode 2 (Unnecessary Bullsh*t, Heroin and other Bullsh*t).
Seg 3: “A Warm Welcome to Kittanning by 3 Journalists or 3 Jackasses on Bookface”
John discusses the Facebook fan page based out of his hometown in Pennsylvania, A Warm Welcome to Kittanning, his irritation with their Junior High like Journalism and Social Media Attacks, whether they are actually 3 separate individuals or 3 inside 1 mind and offers them to be on The American Hilljack Files. John also discusses his time as an Assistant Director at The New Vision Drop-in Center for the MH/MR of Armstrong County Pennsylvania, Butler County and Armstrong County Government and their inner workings, touring South Korea with Aleister Wild for the USO/MWR/AFE and performing above the DMZ on July 4th 2003. It’s strange how this all will tie together, but it does.
Seg 4: “Hey Hilljack, Where You Going With That Mic in Your Hand”
John discusses the shows being developed for A Pro Radio.
The Hilljack House
The Sunday Buzz
Seg 5: “Here’s The Cadence. Just Do Your Tim “Ripper” Owens Imitation on the Choruses”
John discusses recording the rough demo for “Stone Cold” by Aleister Wild in 2008 with Terry Span, James & Matt Mckean and JD Donatelli. How he learned the song by Terry reading him the lyrics on the drive between Akron and Canton Ohio and Terry’s suggestion to be like “The Ripper” rather than the “American Hilljack”.
Music Break 2:
Stone Cold – Rough Demo by Aleister Wild
Hellhound – Olathia
Seg 6: “I’m the Steak and You’re the Parsley. You’re Job is to Make Me Look good”
John discusses Terry Span and himself working with Kelle Rhoads and Kelly Garni in Aleister Wild, having issue with a female singer being brought into work with him and wanting to bring in Chris Olathia to sing with him formerly of Cellbound now Olathia.
Seg 7: “Three Guys Working Hard to Save Chuck’s Steak House. But Where’s the Owner”
John discusses his sentimental attachment to Chuck’s Steakhouse on South Street in Akron, Ohio. First time coming to Chuck’s in October 2002, thinking he was not being able to cut it in the Akron/Canton Music Scene after seeing the band Flypaper perform there, as well as rehearsing and playing at Chuck’s in F.M.A.. John mixes in these stories as he discusses Victor Murdoch, Overend Watts and Tommy Roger’s work their doing to save Chuck’s, what they are up against and John’s opinions on what they need to do. He also discusses past efforts to revamp Chuck’s by Crystal Serva Stewart and her sister Amanda’s efforts after. But still poses the most important question. Where’s the owner George in all of this?
Seg 8: “Uncle Rob and His Band East End Comes to Akron, Ohio to Join The Hellfire Club and Catch Three Vultures”
John discussed the June 11th show at The Empire Concert Club & Bar in Akron, Ohio with Akron, Oh’s The Hellfire Club, Pittsburgh, Pa’s East End and Lisbon, Oh’s Three Vultures.
Music Break 3:
Capital Punishment – Three Vultures
Walls – After the Fall
Seg 9: “June 3 at the TOTT with Losing September, After the Fall and Calven”
John discusses this great show being put on by Scott Benedum and Corina Benedum’s V.E. Promotions at Tim Owens’ Travelers’ Tavern in Akron, Ohio.
Seg 10: “A Pro Radio and Getting Out of My Own Way”
John discusses all the workings into building A Pro Radio, future plans and his frustrations with it all.
Seg 11: “The Role Model of Independent Pro Wrestling, Rubber City Wrestling”
John discusses Die Hard The Hunter Bob Cooper, The Role Model Ric Lieb, Max Cortez and the Cage Match at Rubber City Wrestling’s last event as well as the Wrestler’s love for John’s band, The Hellfire Club. John discusses how it’s the same in the Pro Wrestling Business as it is in the Music Business where the only thing that is real is “The Money and The Miles”.
Seg 12: “Look To the Moon, Eli Moon”
John discusses his former Co-host and all his success of the NCU Invasion, the Pro Wrestling Show on the North Cost Underground they did together.
Seg 13: “The Message The American Hilljack Pro Series Is Trying to Convey. And Why The F@*K Can’t I Be Like Matt Ferrante of ATF or Joe Thompson Formerly of LDP?”
John discusses some the hopes for The American Hilljack Pro Series, his admiration for Steve Craven and Matt Ferrante of After the Fall and his total respect for Joe Thompson formerly of Last Day’s Pay. John also discusses his other Pod Cast, the Deranged Asylum with Sugar Shane and Billy Dees and their future goals.
Closin’ and Good Vibes:
John leaves you with his message for this week and more hopes for The American Hilljack Pro Series.
Final Music Break:
Bullshit – American Dog