The American Hilljack Files

Hosted ByJohn Lane

The American Hilljack Pro Series Radio is an Internet Radio Station focused on the best Unsigned Music from around the Globe mixed in with your favorite Nationals.

The American Hilljack Files Ep 18 (Rantin’ & Shootin’, Interviews & other Bullsh!t)

Intro & Greetins’:
Music Break 1: All My Life – Manchester Road
Seg 1: Old School American Hilljack Rant
Music Break 2: Seventeen Lies – A Common Crown
Sidebar Commercial
Average Joe – Trachain Sky
Seg 2: Bones of Giants interview from their CD Release Party
Music Break 3: Catch 22 – Bones of Giants
Theory of Madness – Radiatrix
Coming Home – Big Ugly

Seg 3: The New Rangers Interview
Music Break 4: A Fuckin’ A Hundred – The New Rangers
God Damn I am an Introvert – Tool Box & The Crew
Closer – Silversyde
Seg 4: Sanctify Interview
Music Break 5: Everywhere I Go He’s There – Sanctify
Everything’s Fine – Skell
The Empire Concert Club & Bar Commercial
Last Call ( Live) – The Hellfire Club
Closin’ & Good Vibes:
Final Music Break: Bullshit (God Damn It) – American Dog

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