The American Hilljack Files

Hosted ByJohn Lane

The American Hilljack Pro Series Radio is an Internet Radio Station focused on the best Unsigned Music from around the Globe mixed in with your favorite Nationals.

The American Hilljack Files Ep 14 (Tired of Unnecessary Bullsh*t, Last Call & other Bullsh*t)

Intro and Greetings: Positive Facts & Flack from the Hilljack
Music Break 1: Unnecessary Bullshit – Skell
Seg 1: Interview with Destroyer Court’s Curtis Meade
Music Break 2: Obedience – Destroyer Court
Sidebar Commercial
Seventeen Lies – A Common Crown
Vanishing Point – Rat Bastard Syndicate
Seg 2: Interview with Terachain Sky’s Nick Stelter
Music Break 3: Daisey Duke – Terachain Sky

The Empire Concert Club & Bar Commercial
Last Call (Live) – The Hellfire Club
Closin’ and Good Vibes:

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