The Pennsylvania Rock Show
The Pennsylvania Rock Show is a online radio show/podcast/FM program that features a studio guest and is full of songs from the best unsigned bands Pennsylvania has to offer. It airs the first Sunday of every month on Megarock Radio on both their internet radio and FM station in St. Louis. The show is DJ’ed by Bill Domiano of the Alle-Kiski Music Scene. The show includes a segment called “Get Outta Town” (Sponsored by Total Music & Entertainment), that plays 3 songs from bands outside of PA, which has proved the show’s popularity, as bands from all over the world are submitting material and coming to town to be interviewed. Bill makes every effort possible to ensure every band is heard and feels right at home when they come to visit. Another segment is the AK Music Scene Concert Calendar brought to you by Entertainment. The show and past podcasts can be heard 24/7 on our website! The Pennsylvania Rock Show creates an avenue for worldwide exposure for which otherwise bands would not have any outlets other than a local bar or party. Don’t take our word for it, check out the newspapers and testimonials.
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