The American Hilljack Files Ep 21 (Last words of Malice 213, F$%k You Otep Shamaya & other Bullsh!t)
Intro & Greetins’:
Music Break 1: Seventeen Lies – A Common Crown
Seg 1: Old School American Hilljack Rant (F$%K You Otep Shamaya & Mushroomhead)
Seg 2: Interview with Malice 213
Music Break 2: Reborn – Malice 213
The Empire Concert Club & Bar Commercial
Stitch 15 – Malice 213
Seg 3: Interview with Blindside Avenue
Music Break 3: Listen to Me – Blindside Avenue
Sidebar Commercial
Lie to the Devil – Manchester Road
Last Call (Live) – The Hellfire Club
Closin’ & Good Vibes:
Final Music Break : Bullshit (God Damn It) – American Dog